Hybrid workplace in 2024 - Top 10 trends that companies should look out for

Soundhariya Viswanathan / Reading Time: 7 mins

Hybrid work combines the best elements of both remote and in-office work. Companies worldwide are embracing the shift towards normalising remote work and hybrid work. A recent report by Omdia says that around 58% of organizations are encouraging employees to work with a hybrid return-to-office model. This allows businesses to take advantage of the benefits of both remote and in-office work, such as increased flexibility and the ability to collaborate in person. Getting hybrid work right will likely be the top priority for all companies, and investing in digital tools & renting meeting rooms will become a part of many workplaces.

While it is difficult to predict future trends with certainty, hybrid work will likely continue to be a popular trend in the year 2024. Many variables, such as the impending recession, continued talent shortage, development of new digital and AI tools, etc., can influence the future of work in the upcoming months. But the core focus of 2024 workplace models is expected to be providing a better work-life balance to employees with more flexibility by using suitable tools and systems that enable it.

Here are some hybrid work trends to look out for in 2024:

1. Increase in remote working & flexible work timings

Remote work has several benefits, including increased flexibility, cost savings for employees and employers, and the ability to tap into a wider talent pool. Many organisations have also found that employees are more productive when working remotely.

Increase in remote working & flexible work timings

It is, therefore, possible that flexible work arrangements, such as flexible schedules and part-time work, will continue to be popular. These arrangements allow employees to balance their work and personal commitments better and help organisations attract and retain top talent. Increasing employee well-being awareness can also give rise to four-day work weeks in many companies.

2. Investment in technology will continue to soar

Organisations will continue to invest in technology to facilitate remote work, such as tools for collaboration, communication, project management, and hybrid workplace management. This may include office hoteling for flexible workspace, virtual meeting platforms, video conferencing tools, cloud-based collaboration tools, cyber-security software, and recruitment tools. Hybrid work is an option chosen out of convenience. The right kind of technology will help enhance the hybrid workplace environment, making it a more sustainable workplace model in the long run.

3. Focus on employee-well being

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of the issues faced by many employees as they struggled to balance their work and personal commitments while working from home. With the great resignation and quiet quitting, companies have now woken up and realised that focusing on employee well-being is vital to retain talents and paving the way for business success.

Focus on employee-well being

In 2024, organisations are likely to offer various hybrid work options and better support the needs and preferences of their employees. Additionally, they may continue to focus on employee well-being in other ways, such as providing resources and support for mental health and well-being, offering flexible work arrangements, and promoting a culture of work-life integration. This can also include allowing employees to choose where to work from: their home, coffee shops, co-working spaces, meeting rooms, etc, which will result in increased productivity.

4. Adaptation of AR/VR/Metaverse

Hybrid work can be supported and enhanced in various ways by using augmentation, virtual reality (VR) technologies, and the trending metaverse technology in 2024. One potential application of these is in virtual meeting rooms and collaborations.

AR and VR technologies can create immersive and interactive virtual environments where employees can meet, collaborate, and share information in real time, regardless of location. These technologies can also be used to facilitate training and onboarding and create virtual workspaces that mimic the experience of working in an office.

5. Use of Automation and AI

Automation and AI technologies in hybrid work can be applied in task automation and workflow management. Organisations can use automation technologies to automate routine tasks and processes, freeing employees' time to focus on more value-added activities. AI technologies, such as natural language processing and machine learning, can also be used to analyse and interpret data, identify patterns and trends, and make recommendations for action.

Automation and AI technologies can also provide remote support in hybrid work. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can facilitate communication and collaboration between remote employees and provide the necessary information. This will increase the use of such technologies in the hybrid workplace model in 2024.

6. Evolution of physical workplaces

Another potential trend to watch out for in 2024 is the increasing use of flexible and adaptable office spaces that accommodate various work styles and needs. Organisations may design office spaces that are suitable for both individual and collaborative work and that can be easily reconfigured to meet changing needs.

Companies may also design working spaces equipped with technology to facilitate virtual meetings and collaboration or incorporate virtual and augmented reality elements to enhance the work experience. The use of coworking spaces, office spaces, and renting meeting rooms for a day as physical workplaces instead of traditional office set-ups will also become normal to support the needs of a hybrid work model.

7. Adoption of agile and lean working methods

Agile and lean working methods are designed to be flexible and responsive to change, and they can be particularly well-suited to hybrid work environments. These work methods focus on continuous improvement, collaboration, and customer value delivery. Given the uncertain circumstances, they can help organisations be more adaptable and responsive to changing business needs.

In a hybrid work environment's distributed work setting, these working methods can help organisations maintain employee productivity and quality. It can also facilitate collaboration and communication between remote and in-office employees and promptly identify and address challenges and opportunities. Therefore, more adoption of agile and lean working methods in organisations will likely be common in the year 2024.

8. Growth of the gig economy and freelancing roles

The gig economy, also known as the sharing economy, has grown significantly in recent years. This trend will likely continue in 2024 as more people seek flexible work arrangements and the ability to work on their own terms.

Focus on employee-well being

The gig economy and freelance work can provide organisations with access to a flexible and skilled workforce from different geographies when opting for a hybrid work environment. This will also help start-ups and small companies to scale up in a cost-efficient manner. Freelancers working from co-working spaces and meeting rooms across the globe will be the preferred choice of employees in many companies.

9. Increased emphasis on workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion

The use of bias-free software tools & processes in recruiting for hybrid work will increase the emphasis on creating a diverse workplace, providing equal opportunities, and implementing inclusive practices. Hybrid work can help organisations maintain a workplace environment conducive to employees from different backgrounds by considering their individual issues, needs, and preferences and planning the work schedule accordingly.

10. Focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility

Sustainability refers to the practice of meeting the present needs without compromising future generations' ability to meet their own needs. Hybrid work has decreased the crowding in tier 1 cities, thereby improving the quality of life for many employees and decreasing the environmental impact of migrations caused by workplaces. Organisations and employees are more likely to be conscious of such factors contributing to environmental degradation in 2024 and practice sustainability in all their business processes.

No matter how volatile the future of workplaces will be, it is safe to assume that hybrid work will be the preferred choice of a working model for many organisations and employees. It combines the best of both worlds as it allows one to bond and maintain human contact while still offering the flexibility of remote work. Whether start-ups or large organisations, it is high time to move out of obsolete workplace models, opt for a better work environment through occasional huddles in meeting rooms and co-working spaces, and go hybrid. GoFloaters offers all facilities that can help companies get started with hybrid workplace models and hop into 2024 like a pro.

Category: Hybrid work